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Call for Applications: Two EPICUR Student Board Members

For EPICUR, one of 17 first-generation European University Alliances piloting a new way of intensifying collaboration among Higher Education institutions, we are looking for two students from the University of Freiburg to take on the task as Student Board members.

EPICUR’s vision is to create a university experience where together we will be preparing
well-informed, open-minded and responsible European citizens capable of creating new
knowledge and becoming drivers of transnational innovation. The
Student Board, which
consists of two student representatives from each of the eight partner universities, plays an
important role in shaping the alliance, including representation at the alliance’s highest
decision-making body.

Term of office: 1 October 2021 - 30 September 2022

Your Tasks
Represent the University of Freiburg students in the EPICUR Student Board
Actively participate in monthly Student Board meetings
Contribute to different working groups and bodies within EPICUR, e.g. Mobility and
Diversity working groups
Collaborate with the EPICUR team at the University of Freiburg, including regular
participation in weekly meetings
Liaise with other student representatives in Freiburg and present relevant
developments to the StuRa

Your Profile

Interest in European integration, higher education and student representation
Motivation to work with and closely collaborate with student and staff colleagues
High reliability
Good English skills
Previous experience in student representation is not required, but desirable
Please consider applying even if you are not sure whether you fulfil all requirements

What you will get
Invaluable insights into international cooperation & higher education development
Working in a professional yet student-centred environment
Certificate of involvement
Funding opportunities, such as travel costs or expense allowances
BAföG eligible Higher Education Policy engagement

How to apply
Please send your one-page CV and a short motivation letter to epicur-students(at)uni-freiburg.de (Deadline: 14 June)
Short selection interviews will take place in the week starting 28 June)
Candidates will be selected by a group consisting of the outgoing Student Board
members, representatives of the StuRa and a representative of the EPICUR team
Increasing the diversity in higher education is an important mission for EPICUR and we aim
to reflect this in the composition of the Student Board.
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with Mathias and Phillip, the current
Student Board members, at epicur-students(at)uni-freiburg.de
